On June 12, 2015, the Inspection Panel received a complaint from Kosovo with regard to resettlement and land issues related to several Bank-supported operations, including the proposed Kosovo Power Project. The complaint was submitted by community members from Hade and Obiliq municipalities and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) based in Kosovo. After registering the complaint on June 30, 2015, a Panel Team visited Kosovo from August 3 to 6, 2015, to ascertain its eligibility.
The community members which met with the Panel Team during its eligibility visit, claimed to have suffered serious harms from the way in which resettlement of the Shala neighborhood was planned and implemented. Complainants also informed the Panel that they are suffering from being in close proximity to mining activities and land use restrictions, which in their view, are due to advice provided by the Bank through its technical assistance projects geared to supporting preparation for the proposed Kosovo Power Project (KPP). They allege these projects overlooked social and economic impacts and are generating adverse livelihood effects. A third group of Complainants claim to be suffering harm due to an emergency evacuation that took place in 2004. Subsequent to this visit, the Panel submitted its Report and Recommendation to the Board of Executive Directors on September 2, 2015. The Board approved the Panel’s Report and Recommendation on September 17, 2015. The Panel submitted the Investigation Report on September 12, 2016. On December 13, 2016, the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors met to discuss the Inspection Panel Investigation Report. The Board approved the Management Action Plan submitted in response to the Panel's findings. Deklaratë për mohimin e përgjegjësisë: Përkthimet e dokumenteve të Panelit Inspektues dhe të Menaxhmentit nuk janë përkthime zyrtare dhe ofrohen vetëm si shërbim për palët e interesit. Janë bërë të gjitha përpjekjet që përkthimi të jetë i saktë. Në rast të ndonjë mospërputhje midis përkthimit në gjuhën shqipe dhe tekstit origjinal në gjuhën angleze, mbizotëron teksti në gjuhën angleze.