Panel Chair Discusses Gender-Based Violence in Development Projects at John Hopkins University SAIS Europe Seminar

Inspection Panel Chair Imrana Jalal on April 8, 2021, discussed the topic of gender-based violence (GBV) in developments projects at a seminar sponsored by the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe.
In her remarks to the virtual seminar, Ms. Jalal discussed the prevalence and impact of GBV worldwide, the costs of GBV to women and economies, the lessons from two Panel investigations that responded to complaints about GBV in World Bank-funded projects in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the “transformative impact” those cases have had on the World Bank.
Ms. Jalal also fielded questions on a number of topics – including how to measure the effectiveness of grievance redress mechanisms when it comes to gender issues, the impact of GBV on labor markets, and what projects should do in their design to minimize the impact of a large labor influx on communities.
The seminar was moderated by Arntraud Hartmann, a Steven Muller Professor at SAIS Europe, and Panel member at the independent accountability mechanism of the German, French and Dutch Development Banks. Between 1981 and 2004, Ms. Hartmann held numerous positions at the World Bank, including senior management positions.
For more information on this topic, click here to read the Inspection Panel advisory report titled, “Responding to Project Gender-Based Violence Through an Independent Accountability Mechanism.”