The Requesters allege that the Bank-financed Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project in Nigeria has not complied with the World Bank’s Operational Policies and Procedures resulting in significant harm to their community. The Requesters claim that Project-related construction activities led to a nearby water channel being blocked and the subsequent flooding that occurred resulted in their houses and properties, including shops, stores, food and clothes, being damaged. The Requesters allege that, since the flood, they have experienced disruptions to their livelihoods and businesses, resulting in a loss of customers. They add that they are facing daily challenges due to the damage the flood caused to their appliances. They stated that the compensation offered is significantly lower than their losses. The Requesters have attempted to address these concerns with the Project authorities on several occasions, but their efforts have not yielded any satisfactory solution.
On July 11, 2024, Bank Management informed the Panel that the issues raised in the Request had been fully resolved and all due compensations had been paid to the Requesters. On the same day, the Panel received additional written information from the Requesters, stating that they received the compensation amounts, and that they were satisfied. The Panel considered that the issue that the Requesters had raised has now been resolved.
The Panel’s initial due diligence of the Request concluded that the Request met all admissibility criteria. The Panel acknowledged the action taken by Bank Management to address the allegations made in the Request. The Panel noted with appreciation that Bank Management promptly contacted the Requesters and ensured that adequate compensation was paid to the Requesters for their losses. The Panel therefore considers that the issue the Requesters raised has been addressed. and they are no longer adversely affected by the Project. The Panel did not register the Request for Inspection and issued a Notice of Non-Registration on July 11, 2023.
This non-registration does not preclude the possibility of a future Request for Inspection related to this Project.