The Inspection Panel is committed to promoting transparency by disclosing Panel's case-related documents to the public. Ensuring openness and accountability in its case work, The Panel has been diligently publishing all case-related documents on Panel's dedicated case pages on its website. As an independent accountability mechanism, transparency is of paramount importance to its work.
To enhance transparency and engagement, the Inspection Panel has recently introduced a new initiative: the Biannual case updates. This update will provide the public with timely information on the latest developments and insights from the Panel's ongoing cases. By sharing this information, the Panel aims to not only keep the public informed but also foster a deeper understanding of its case work and the impact it has on affected communities and the institutional learning at the World Bank and across the wider development community.
The Panel presents its inaugural publication of the semi-annual case update. Explore the progress made in Panel's ongoing cases for the period ending December 31, 2023, as the Panel continues to uphold its commitment to transparency and accountability.
BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz Road Corridor Connector Project (San Ignacio – San Jose)
The Panel commenced its investigation as there was no agreement to pursue dispute resolution. Panel issued the Investigation Plan on May 16, 2023. A Panel team visited Bolivia from September 12-29, 2023 and met with Requesters, Government officials and Project implementing agencies. Currently the Panel is finalizing its investigation report. The Panel’s Investigation Report and the Management Response and Recommendation (including the Management Action Plan) addressing the Panel’s findings will be made publicly available after the Board meets to consider the Panel’s findings, and to discuss and approve the Management Action Plan. Learn more.
TOGO, WESTERN AFRICA: West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project, Additional Financing, and GEF
On September 15, 2023, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors discussed the Inspection Panel’s Investigation Report. The Board also approved Bank Management’s action plan to address the Panel’s Investigation Report findings. Management committed to submit annual progress reports on the implementation of the action plan. Learn more
TANZANIA: Resilient Natural Resource Management for Tourism and Growth
The Panel registered a Request for investigation on July 20, 2023, and after Bank Management provided its response on August 21, 2023, the Panel visited Tanzania to meet with stakeholders. The Panel recommended an investigation on September 19, 2023, particularly into the due diligence of TANAPA, a lead implementing agency, and the identification and mitigation of risks to communities. The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved this investigation on November 15, 2023. The Accountability Mechanism Secretary offered dispute resolution, no agreement was reached to pursue Dispute Resolution, and the Panel began its investigation on December 14, 2023, which is currently ongoing. Learn more
VIET NAM: Viet Nam Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project – Second Request
A Panel team visited Viet Nam from November 14 to 21, 2023 to inform its report and recommendation to the Board of Executive Directors as to whether an investigation into the matters alleged in the Request is warranted. During the visit, the Panel team met with various stakeholders including officials in Ha Noi from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Construction, and the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, as well as World Bank staff. In Nha Trang City, the team met with officials of the Khanh Hoa Provincial Peoples’ Committee, the Compensation Committee, and the Ngoc Hiep Ward People’s Committee. The team also met with the Requesters in the Ngoc Hiep Resettlement Site. At the time of publication of this report, Panel was in the process of preparing its Report and Recommendation to the Board.
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CAMEROON: Nachtigal Hydropower Project and Hydropower Development on the Sanaga River Technical Assistance Project
The Panel recommended an investigation into the alleged harm and related non-compliance with World Bank operational policies and performance standards, as per Performance Standards for Private Sector Activities (OP/BP 4.03). The Board approved the Panel’s Recommendation on October 19, 2022. As per the Inspection Panel and Accountability Mechanism Resolutions, following the Panel’s Recommendation, on October 26, 2021, the AM Secretary offered the option of dispute resolution to the Requesters and Borrower. In accordance with AM procedures, the parties were given 30 days to decide whether to opt for dispute resolution. The parties accepted the offer, and this was reported to the Board, Panel, and Management on December 1, 2022, marking the start of the dispute resolution process. The dispute resolution process is ongoing. Learn more