Panel Registers Second Request from Vietnam Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project; Issues Notice of Registration
On September 25, 2023, the Inspection Panel registered the Second Request for Inspection submitted by 31 community members from Vietnam and has issued a Notice of Registration. This Request, related to the World Bank-financed Vietnam Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project, claims harm to the community members. The Notice of Registration can be read here.
The Request raises four interrelated concerns about different aspects of the project's involuntary resettlement process and highlights the concerns raised by the community members who claim to be adversely affected by the World Bank-supported Vietnam Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project. Firstly, the Request alleges that the communications community members are receiving from the Bank and the Provincial Authorities about the use of their land for the project are creating uncertainty among the affected individuals. Secondly, the Request disputes the valuation methodology and compensation packages, asserting that they fall short of meeting the needs of some affected households and do not adequately compensate for the loss caused by the project. Thirdly, the Request alleges an inconsistency in the application of resettlement policies. Lastly, the Request claims that some of the community members who have previously voiced complaints about certain aspects of the project were unjustly excluded from the resettlement process.
The Panel’s registration implies no judgment whatsoever concerning the merits of the Request. As a next step in the process, Bank Management must provide the Panel with a response to the issues raised in the Request within 21 business days of registration, i.e., by October 25, 2023. Learn more here.