Panel Chair Takes Part in IAIA Session on IFI’s Adoption of Lessons Learned Through Their IAMs
Inspection Panel Chair Imrana Jalal on May 19, 2021, took part in a virtual session titled, “International Financial Institutions and Adoption of Lessons Learned Through their Accountability Functions” at the annual conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment. The conference was conducted virtually this year due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. The session included discussions about lessons learned between representatives of management and independent accountability mechanisms at the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Inter-American Development Bank and the European Investment Bank. The discussion topics included stakeholder engagement, stakeholder engagement with a focus on indigenous peoples, the dispute resolution process and gender-based violence (GBV). Ms. Jalal was joined by Charles Di Leva, the World Bank’s chief environmental and social standards officer, in discussing two landmark Panel cases investigating GBV in Bank-funded projects and the Bank’s actions to prevent, mitigate and respond to GBV in projects. To watch a video of the session, click here.